Friday, March 20, 2009

That Guy

Whilst standing on the sidewalk orienting myself outside the Austin Conference center, fresh from the womb of the hotel shuttle van I saw him, the guy from Rolling Stone.  I would of known his name but Rolling Stone just straight doesn't have the pull it once had, not with Web 2.0 and all. 

The first panel of my day was the Keynote Given by Quincy Jones. I would have twittered/blogged about it as approximately 70% of the audience did but my cellphone has a 15 minute battery life, so I just had to listen-old fashioned like. Quincy Jones's speech was the ultimate name drop, apparently knowing Frank, Bono, Dizzy, Michael and Miles gets you a keynote address. I was game but I was expecting more from the industry giant but all I felt was an industry giant.  Yes MTV was a hit, but I'm not sure Q still understands it's current state...

The next panel I was planning on seeing was the Make a 360 Deal With Yourself which was interesting and a new media appropriate event, I bet at least 80% of the audience would be on their blackberries/iPhones, but alas Q went over and I had to pick between the educational moment of the 360 Deal panel and the address by Devo.  Note: the scary woman from the Dresden Dolls sang to the line...

I chose Devo and I'd do it again. 

Devo invented new media, invented video form based on their miscalculation on the availability of laser disks. But I digress. As I looked into Devo's eyes and they to mine I was lost cold and tired in the dim light of the conference room. 

The concerts Thursday night, Meat Puppets, The Thermals, Annihilation Time, Gordan Gano and the Ryan Brothers. 

I will write more. There are as many things to say as there are panels I need to be at, now. 

Teaser: I shook Gordon Gano's hand. 

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