The first panel of my day was the Keynote Given by Quincy Jones. I would have twittered/blogged about it as approximately 70% of the audience did but my cellphone has a 15 minute battery life, so I just had to listen-old fashioned like. Quincy Jones's speech was the ultimate name drop, apparently knowing Frank, Bono, Dizzy, Michael and Miles gets you a keynote address. I was game but I was expecting more from the industry giant but all I felt was an industry giant. Yes MTV was a hit, but I'm not sure Q still understands it's current state...
The next panel I was planning on seeing was the Make a 360 Deal With Yourself which was interesting and a new media appropriate event, I bet at least 80% of the audience would be on their blackberries/iPhones, but alas Q went over and I had to pick between the educational moment of the 360 Deal panel and the address by Devo. Note: the scary woman from the Dresden Dolls sang to the line...
I chose Devo and I'd do it again.
Devo invented new media, invented video form based on their miscalculation on the availability of laser disks. But I digress. As I looked into Devo's eyes and they to mine I was lost cold and tired in the dim light of the conference room.
The concerts Thursday night, Meat Puppets, The Thermals, Annihilation Time, Gordan Gano and the Ryan Brothers.
I will write more. There are as many things to say as there are panels I need to be at, now.
Teaser: I shook Gordon Gano's hand.
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